Release Notes 1.16
22 September 2023
Quick Access Menu
- Energy Intensity Pathway in Net Zero Carbon Module
- Consumption Data Exports
- Ignored Meters Removed for Improved Data Quality
- Data Coverage Displays Accurate Procurement
- Energy Star Analysis Bug Fix
- Energy Star Analysis GAV
- Get in Touch with The SIERA Team
Energy Intensity Pathway in Net Zero Carbon Module
We bring you the flexibility to choose between carbon intensity pathways and energy intensity pathways. This significant addition to the Net Zero Carbon Module empowers you to conduct transparent intensity pathway analysis for each component, enabling you to assess and improve your sustainability efforts with the support of accurate and insightful data.
- Pathway Selection: seamlessly switch between carbon intensity pathways and energy intensity pathways for assets or funds. You can specify a custom target energy intensity pathway that aligns perfectly with your sustainability goals.
- Enhanced Transparency: analyse your sustainability metrics without grid decarbonisation effects for a more precise assessment of your environmental impact.
- Unified Functionality: all functionalities available for carbon intensity analysis are now equally accessible for energy intensity analysis, streamlining your sustainability data management.
- Visualise Science-Based Targets: compare asset or fund performance metrics side by side with Science-Based Targets (SBTs) to track progress toward your sustainability objectives.
- Stay Informed: track business as usual (BAU) stranding dates and data quality status indicators for a clear understanding of data reliability to maintain high standards in your sustainability efforts.
- Introducing REEB for Energy: in addition to the Real Estate Environmental Benchmark (REEB) for carbon, REEB for energy serves as a crucial reference point for assessing asset and fund performance. This enhances your ability to accurately measure and showcase your sustainability achievements. to stakeholders.
Consumption Data Exports
You can now access valuable consumption data exports to evaluate how your assets are performing against industry benchmark data. This equips you with more comprehensive data export capabilities to make more informed decisions and optimise your asset performance more effectively.
- Industry Benchmark Intensity Data: SIERA's industry benchmark intensity data ensures precise consumption estimates by leveraging a comprehensive dataset that eliminates outliers. This enhancement has a notable impact on assets and funds in gap-filling reliant sectors like Healthcare and Industrials. This new feature enables you to assess your asset's performance against credible industry benchmark intensity data.
- Performance Comparison: you can evaluate your asset's performance against industry benchmark intensity data in your consumption data export table. It provides information on asset-specific intensity, benchmark intensity, and variance from the benchmark intensity.
- Granularity Options: to export your consumption data and access these comparisons, simply choose from the following options: All Utilities Data or a Specific Utility Type (electricity, gas, fuels & thermals, or water), Asset Level Detail, and then select either Annual or Monthly. Alternatively, use the date picker to export data for a specific 12-month timeframe.
- Metric Comparisons: you can now view valuable insights across various consumption types, including electricity, gas, fuels & thermals, and water.
- Data Completeness: currently, our consumption data exports exclusively contain original data without any gap-filled information. If your data is incomplete, it's possible that your asset-specific intensity rates may appear lower compared to industry standard benchmarks, which rely on complete datasets.
- Find out more about Proprietary SIERA Benchmarks here.
Ignored Meters Removed for Improved Data Quality
Data Quality Improvement: ignored utilities will no longer impact your data quality page at the asset level. This enhances the accuracy and cleanliness of your data analysis. For your convenience, this update applies to your data quality summary and your list of meters.
Data Coverage Displays Accurate Procurement
Asset Responsibility Update: the data quality card on the asset list in your portfolio page now indicates asset responsibility for meter data procurement as follows:
- If only landlord-procured meters exist, the asset is considered landlord-procured.
- If only tenant-procured meters exist, the asset is considered tenant-procured.
- If both tenant and landlord-procured meters exist, the asset remains treated as usual.
Energy Star Analysis Bug Fix
Percentile: energy score 1 is now correctly displayed in the 1-25 percentile graph.
Manage Energy Star integration: the weblink is now correctly displayed.
Enhancement: consumption data now displays all figures after the decimal place.
Energy Star Analysis GAV
GAV coverage: this feature is now included on your Energy Star Analysis card. It's calculated in a similar manner to your floor area coverage.
Get in Touch with SIERA
If you encounter any difficulties while following these instructions or require further clarification, please get in touch with our team. We're here to support your needs and address any questions or concerns you may have.
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