Release Notes 1.13
7 June 2023
Quick Access
Set Up Energy Star Portfolio Manager Integration
Export Data for Funds and Assets
Easily export Fund View Excel spreadsheets directly from your Data Quality, and Action Plan pages to analyse and share valuable data-driven insights and anomalies with your team. This facilitates efficient data analysis and reporting.
Export Fund Data
Specific Utility Data Quality spreadsheet shows a detailed data breakdown for each utility and its respective quality. For example, you can export data on Carbon, Water, Electricity, Waste Recycling, or Gas, Fuels & Thermals.
All Utilities Data Quality spreadsheet shows a summary of all your utility data and its quality (as well as a detailed data breakdown for each utility and its respective quality) in one safe place for comprehensive comparative analyses.
Actions by Impact spreadsheet shows a summary of all your Action Plans by impact type, enabling you to easily identify the impact of each Action Plan on individual assets and your overall fund. Choose the specific energy-related action impact you wish to export for more in-depth analysis outside of SIERA.
Actions by Status spreadsheet shows a summary of all your Action Plans by status, enabling you to easily identify the status of each Action Plan on individual assets and your overall fund. Choose the specific completed or under review action status you wish to export for more in-depth analysis outside of SIERA.
Export Asset Data
From your Asset Dashboard, you can also export Asset performance spreadsheets for different funds, locations, and types for All Utilities or Specific Utilities.
Track Data Over Time
Diamonds are used to represent your latest available data.
However, a diamond on a dotted line is now also displayed for previous years, even when data is missing. This is because SIERA uplifts or benchmarks your incomplete data to provide a more comprehensive representation of your performance over time.
Fill Gaps in Asset Data
The percentage of consumption data automatically gap filled for each asset (based on benchmarks) is now displayed. This feature offers valuable insights into data reliability and enables a more detailed analysis at the individual asset level. Additionally, it ensures that the figures align with what you observe at fund level.
Net Zero Carbon Target Pathway Alert
If connectivity or network issues hinder you from editing or deleting a NZC Target Pathway, an error message will notify you that your changes could not be applied successfully.
When you make changes to a Target Pathway, Setting, or Asset, and then navigate to another page without saving your changes, a warning message will prompt you to save and leave or leave without saving. This reduces the risk of accidentally discarding important edits or updates.
Net Zero Carbon Display on Fund Dashboard
You can now view your NZC default model directly on your Fund Dashboard. This eliminates the need to navigate to your Net Zero Carbon page for a more seamless user experience.
Connect Energy Star Portfolio Manager to SIERA
SIERA now seamlessly integrates with the the EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) tool, so you can measure, track, and manage your energy and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), for all your asset data in one place.
How does it work? ESPM unlocks the fastest, most cost-effective solution for reducing energy usage, saving money, and mitigating GHG emissions. ESPM helps you identify underperforming buildings, prioritise asset investments, and verify efficiency improvements across your entire portfolio. It also facilitates EPA recognition for superior energy performance.
ESPM can now be connected to your SIERA platform to display a useful overview of your Energy Star Analysis on your Fund Dashboard, enhancing SIERA’s functionality for North American assets.
View Energy Star Analysis Score on Fund Dashboard
Usually, your Fund Dashboard displays your Current EPC Analysis by default.
However, if your fund has more than 50% of assets in North America (US and Canada), your Fund Dashboard is now set up to display your Energy Star Analysis score.
Your Energy Star Analysis outlines your fund’s overall coverage by floor area (%), valid ratings by floor area, and certified assets by floor area. It also states when this data was last collected from ESPM.
To add ESPM data to SIERA, you need to Set Up Your Energy Star Integration to establish a connection between your ESPM and SIERA platforms. By integrating these two platforms, you can seamlessly transfer your ESPM data to SIERA and effectively incorporate your Energy Star Analysis data into Fund View.
Set Up Energy Star Portfolio Manager Integration
Processing ESPM Integration with SIERA can only be performed by SIERA Administrators. Follow our four-step process to establish the connection.
STEP 1: link ESPM to SIERA
On your Fund Dashboard, click on your blank Energy Star Analysis card OR go to User Admin Settings and select Energy Star Integration
Select Log into your ES Portfolio Manager to add SIERA+ as a new contact
If you are not logged into ESPM, you will be redirected to Sign In using your ESPM username and password
In ESMP, select Contacts
Select Add New Contacts/Connections
Search for Evora
Select Connect
Tick Agreement
Select Send Connection Request
Return to SIERA and select I have added SIERA+ as a contact
STEP 2: enter ESPM account ID to connect SIERA
Enter your ES Portfolio Manager account ID (found in your ESPM Account Settings)
Select confirm connection
STEP 3: share ESPM property access with SIERA
ESPM will automatically check whether you have already shared properties with SIERA. If shared properties already exist, skip to STEP 4
If no shared properties exist, you will be prompted to share properties in ESPM with full access
To do this, select Sharing. This will redirect you to your ESPM platform
In your ESPM Sharing tab, Select Properties and tick all relevant properties from the list provided
Tick Exchange Data Full Access and select Authorise Exchange
Your properties will now be displayed on your ESPM Sharing dashboard
Return to SIERA and select I have set up sharing
STEP 4: match ESPM properties with SIERA+ assets
Tick boxes to link Assets in SIERA+ with Respective Assets in ESPM (properties)
Note: unmatched assets / properties are greyed out
You have now successfully matched your ESPM and SIERA assets
Select Confirm to view your matched assets in SIERA
ESPM data for these matched assets is now automatically synchronised with SIERA on the first day of every month to keep the Energy Star Analysis card on your Fund Dashboard up to date
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