Our team's been hard at work, making this release invaluable with some outstanding features. We added so many cool things that, although we might be biased, we could write a novel about it.
We're grateful for your feedback, which helped make this release possible. So, let's dive into the details!
Excel with your exported data!
SIERA+ just got a new trick with exporting data as Excel files at the Asset and Fund level. Head to the Asset Portfolio or Fund Performance pages, filter for your needs, and export away! It's like having your own personal data detective 🕵️ You can use this feature to catch any sneaky anomalies and better understand how SIERA+ does its thing.
The exported data directly depends on the user's filter and date search performed in the UI. To access this feature, look for the export button on the top right corner of the Asset Portfolio and Fund Performance pages.
You can even update the currency and units in your export as part of this update. Directly you can keep everything in line with your local standards 🌍
NZC Graph Export options
Continuing with the topic of exporting news, we have made a minor but useful change to our NZC charts. You now have the option to export your graphs in three different image qualities.
UI Updates
We've updated our platform's background colour, specifically crafted to deliver a seamless and sustained user experience across all tabs. Don't be fooled - this isn't just a simple "pick a colour, any colour." We're talking about some serious benefits helping to prolong users' concentration.
Asset / Fund level Carbon Intensity popup
Data graphs are now enhanced with a diamond icon for Fund carbon intensity 💎 The BAU line displays a plotted icon that, when clicked, displays the Fund Name, specific year (based on user selection), Mean Carbon Intensity (fund's carbon intensity for that year), and data availability for assets in the Model.
This is available at both the Asset and Fund levels, showing different details.
Carbon intensity displayed on the NZC card
With the NZC dashboard card, the combined performance data of all Assets in a Model are displayed for easy analysis, presented as a graph on the Fund page. This enables a quick and comprehensive overview of the Assets in the Model.
Bugs resolved
As typically goes with any software release, we're constantly doing some pest control. Here's a list of some bugs we ironed out in this release:
- Data quality summaries were not displaying consumption in the output table.
- Deleting a target pathway no longer disables settings or tabs. Another pathway will load if possible. Otherwise, operations can still be performed as usual.
- If the user clicked the browser back button after refreshing a tab, they were logged out of the application.
- Previously, the Export button on the portfolio and action plan pages remained active even without data. However, we have updated it, so the button will be disabled when no data is present.
- We have fixed some minor user interface problems on the portfolio and fund dashboard pages, such as issues with scrolling, font colour, and tooltips.
- The fund performance page was not loading when we tried to access it for the quarterly date selected.
And that's it! These past few months have been pretty crazy with all the bugs and helping out consultants, users, and customer success with SIERA's data. But don't worry; we've got some exciting stuff coming up, so watch out!
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