What does the Fund Dashboard show?
Your Fund Dashboard displays up to seven information cards to reveal a fast fact summary overview for each fund. Information cards are only shown if they are directly relevant to the fund you have selected.
Key Facts Card
- Number of all assets in the fund
- Gross Asset Value (GAV) (£) of all assets in the fund
- Total Floor Area (GIA) (m²) of all assets in the fund
- Financial year start date for the fund
Performance Card
Performance data is split into Actual, Gap-filled (below target) and Gap-filled (above target) for seven utilities.
- Carbon Emissions
- Energy Intensity
- Electricity
- Gas, Fuels & Thermals
- Water
- Waste
- Recycled Waste
Data Quality Card
Data Quality is shown as the percentage of total data missing. This is split into Actual, Estimated, Incomplete and Not Covered for tenant and landlord data.
Click anywhere on the card to open your Data Quality page for deeper insight.
Current Action Plan Card
Current Action Plan summarises the status (Agreed, Completed, Overdue, Assets without agreed actions, Assets without completed actions) for all assets in your fund.
It also shows your top 5 impact categories (Energy, Tenant Engagement, Water, Waste, Health & Wellbeing).
Click anywhere on the card to open your Action Plan page for deeper insight.
EPC Analysis Card
EPC Analysis shows the current Energy Performance Certificate for all assets in your fund. EPCs rate the energy efficiency of your assets from A (Very efficient) to G (Inefficient) and is split into three categories.
- Floor area coverage for all assets with an EPC rating
- Floor area coverage for all assets divided into A to G EPC ratings
- EPC certificates set to expire within 12 months
Top Assets Rank Card
For each asset, Top Assets Rank displays a traffic light system ranking the current performance of each utility (Carbon, Electricity, Gas, Fuels & Thermals, Water, Waste Recycling) against its previous timeframe to highlight improvements or declines. It also shows corresponding Action Plans and Data Quality.
- Green: performance is +5% above (no action needed)
- Red: performance is -5% below (urgent action needed)
- Black: performance is +4% to -4% (sits between these values)
Select a specific asset to view its Asset Dashboard page for deeper insight.
Net Zero Carbon Card
- Available in SIERA (coming to Fund View soon)
How do I navigate to other Fund View pages from my Fund Dashboard page?
On your Fund Dashboard page, select any card to reveal even more in-depth data on other pages. For example, on your Fund Performance Card, select ‘Carbon Emissions’ or ‘Electricity’ to discover more data insight displayed on a handy bar chart.
How do I change the timeframe on my Fund Dashboard?
Your Fund Dashboard timeframe is set to Year to Date (YTD) by default. However, if you toggled to a custom timeframe on a previous page (see ‘3M, 6M, 1Y’ on top right of page), that custom timeframe will stay the same when you select your Fund Dashboard.
For example, if you select 3M on your Fund Performance Card, that timeframe will remain when you select Fund Dashboard. You can also select an alternative date range from one of our predefined options.
Note: If you set a custom timeframe on your Asset List page and then view a fund on your Fund Performance page, any changes you now make to the custom timeframe on your Fund Performance page will be applied to all funds and your Asset List page.
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