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How to Upload a Top-Down Pathway
What Are Top-Down Pathways?
Within Net Zero Carbon, a Top-Down Pathway refers to an approach that begins with a comprehensive target, such as achieving net zero carbon emissions by a specific date. It then breaks down this target into smaller, actionable steps or strategies at various levels within an organisation or system. This approach means setting a high-level goal and subsequently identifying specific actions, policies, and investments necessary to achieve that goal.
Employing a Top-Down Pathway in Net Zero Carbon reporting offers clarity, direction, and accountability for fund and property managers striving to reduce their carbon footprint and support global initiatives to combat climate change.
How to Upload a Top-Down Net Zero Carbon Pathway
A fund-level Top-Down Pathway can be applied to either your Carbon Intensity or Energy Intensity graph.
To upload a Top-Down Pathway, navigate to the Net Zero Carbon module and click on Targets & Pathway. Simply select the preferred option in the dropdown at the top of the graph and click on the Upload Top-Down Pathways button to open a pop-up Upload NZC Top-Down Pathway box.
You can import up to 7 Top-Down Pathways to the Carbon Intensity and Energy Intensity graph at the same time to save time. Click on the Generate Template button to download your Excel data file.
Once the Excel file is downloaded and opened, an Instructions tab displays validation rules that need to be followed to successfully upload your Top-Down Pathways.
Click on the second tab named either Top-Down Carbon Intensity or Top-Down Energy Intensity, depending on which option you selected in the previous stage.
You can apply a maximum of 7 Pathways. The Pathway Names can be edited up to 30 characters in length. For each year from 2019 to 2050, you can add a predicted fund-level Top-Down Carbon Intensity or Energy Intensity value based on the pathway intervention being applied. These values must be numeric to pass validation.
To upload your saved Excel data file, click on the Upload a File button. Either drag and drop your file into the window or navigate to your file’s location.
Select a Worksheet to choose the file you want to import: Top-Down Carbon Intensity or Top-Down Energy Intensity. Click Confirm.
Once the file has been processed, you need to Review & Finalise the data being uploaded.
Any File Errors in the data being uploaded are highlighted in red. These can be corrected by editing the values within the application. Once the errors have been amended, click on the Import button to apply your pathways to the graph.
The imported Pathways are now displayed on your graph as coloured lines. The key below the graph details which colour relates to each pathway.
To hide the specific pathways, simply click on the eye icon to the right of the pathway file name. Alternatively, click on the trash bin icon to delete them.
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